What We Do

Kids in Focus mentors youth experiencing the challenges of growing along with serious adversities such as economic insecurity, and food and housing instability. Through our Photography Programs youth are paired with dedicated volunteer mentors. Together they explore the world with their cameras – gaining new perspectives, confidence and resilence. 

Through public exhibits their inspiring images are displayed at museums and cultural institutions, schools and colleges, local businesses, restaurants and coffee shops. Seeing their artwork exhibited and knowing it is valued and appreciated has the power to transform the way these young people view themselves and their potential.

Since 2012, Kids in Focus has been putting cameras in kids’ hands with the guidance and encouragement of adult mentors. Through the art of photography Kids in Focus provides over 700 unique experiences to several hundred youth each year. Giving kids a new lens on life.

When I’m out taking pictures, I feel free.

— Maliyah, 12

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